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Short about main or main rights of the consumer Legislation protects Your right and defines the mechanisms to realization of this protection. The Knowledge of their own main rights will help You it is correct to behave in situation of the breaches of these rights, with which - alas! - we happen to to face too chasto. Below we shall bring the thumbnail sketches of the main rights of the consumer in accordance with FZ RF About protection of the rights of the consumers . They will help You quickly to refresh in memories necessary information and solve, what follows to behave in one or another situations, what right You have, what requirements You may present if Your right are violated, to whom and during what sroka.
The Main rights of the consumer * on quality * on safety * to information * on indemnifying the damage
Your right on quality means that seller must send You qualitative goods, but performer qualitative to execute work (render the service If You have bought goods improper quality, You have a right to present the seller (the manufacturer) of the requirement what exactly, depends on degree of gravity defect and from time their it is discovered. The Seller (the manufacturer) is obliged upon the terms to execute Your requirement if he breaks the periods, that he is obliged to pay You forfeit (in amount 1% from the price of the goods per diem delinquencies If You have bought qualitative not food goods, but he You does not approach, You have the right to change him(it) on similar goods for 14 days, not to count towards day of his(its) buying. If necessary You goods no in sale, You have the right to return goods a seller and get paid for it denigi. If You have noticed the defect in work (the service), that You have the right to present the performer a number requirements what exactly requirements, depends on degree of gravity defect and time their it is discovered. The Performer must execute Your requirements in determined period. If performer breaks the periods, You have the right to require the payments of the forfeit (the meerschaum) in amount 3% from the price of the work for each day expired. The Right on safety: as consumer You have a right on that that goods (work, service) were safe for life, health, property of the consumer and surrounding ambiences. The Requirements, which must provide this, are obligatory and are fixed in order, definied by law (p.1 st.7 Law RF "About protection of the rights of the consumers The Right to information: consumer has a right on necessary and reliable information on that that is sold, who will sell and whom this is made, either as when this possible gain. On the grounds of this information You should get the exact belief about manufacturer (the performer, seller) for referencing to him as required with corresponding to requirements and about goods (work, service) for correct their vybora. If You was given improper information and so Your aquisition turned out to be unchancy, that You have the right to claim damages, terminations of the agreement and others The Right on indemnifying the damage: For breach of the rights of the consumers seller (the manufacturer, performer) has responsibility, provided by law or agreement (st.13 Law RF "About protection of the rights of the consumers"). If liability is provided in agreement in greater volume or forfeit in greater amount, than this is provided by law, that is used term dogovora. The Lifetime, application time and warranty period - a periods to liability. On goods (work) can be installed lifetime (or application time) and warranty period. These periods - a periods to liability seller (the manufacturer, performer) before consumer. During these periods (but in some cases and on outflow of all periods) You may present the seller (the manufacturer, performer) of the claim and claim damages. There is lists goods (work), on which lifetime (the application time) must be fixed in obligatory order. If on goods (work) is not installed lifetime (the application time) or warranty period, that law provides, during what length of time You may present the requirements comparatively goods (work) since unascertained period. If the conditions restrict Your right - they void. The Conditions, abriging rights consumer in contrast with rule, installed in legislation, confess void (p.1 st.16 Law RF "About protection of the rights of the consumers"). If as a result of performances of such agreement beside You appeared the losses, they subject to indemnity by manufacturer (the performer, seller) in full ob'eme. What protect their own right If they are violated Your right of the consumer You have the right to address to seller (the manufacturer, performer) with provided by law by requirements. If he refuses to execute Your requirements, it is necessary tax to him written pretenziyu. If conflict does not manage to allow, that You it is necessary to use the right on judicial protection, but in some cases better apply to society of the consumers, Federal antimonopoly organ, Rospotrebnadzor and others organy. St. 18 laws "About protection of the rights of the consumers" The List technically complex goods, in respect of which requirements of the consumer about their change subjects to the satisfaction in the event of finding in goods essential defect. Instead of presenting the claims for change of goods consumer has the right in accordance with civil legislation to abandon to performances of a contract retail bathed - a sale and call in paid for goods money summy. St. 25 laws "About protection of the rights of the consumers" Exchange not food goods behooving quality is conducted if specified goods was not in use, are preserved his(its) marketable state, consumer characteristic, seals, factory labels, as well as there is goods cheque or cash cheque or other confirmatory payment of specified goods dokument. The Absence beside consumer of the goods cheque or cash cheque or other confirming payment of goods of the document does not deprive his(its) possibility to refer to witness pokazaniya.
Short about main or main rights of the consumer |