Regional public organization is "Housing civil advice" |
The Liberty, equality, brotherhood! |
169710 Russia, RK, g.Usinsk, Glavpochtamt, ROO “ZHGS” Telephone: +7-904-869-7901 E-mail: |
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RPO "HCA" is founded in 2009 and realizes activity on territory of the Russia on the grounds of Constitutions RF, FZ “about public associations in RF”, FZ “about protection of the rights of the consumers in RF”.
In accordance with specified law organization has a right:
Þ liberally spread information on its activity; Þ participate in production of the decisions organ state authorities and organ of the local home rule in order provided by Federal legislation; Þ conduct the meetings, mass-meetings, demonstrations, processions and picket line; Þ found the mass media and realize publishing activity; Þ present and protect their own right, legal interests of their own members and participant, as well as the other people in organ state authorities, organ of the local home rule and public associations; Þ realize on all amounts authorities, provided law about public associations; Þ emerge with initiative on different questions of the public life, contribute the offers in organs state authorities; Þ participate in choice and referendum in order, installed by legislation to Russian Federation; Þ participate in development of the obligatory requirements to goods (work, service), as well as project of the laws and other normative legal acts to Russian Federation, adjusting relations in the field of protection of the rights of the consumers; Þ conduct the independent expert operation a quality, safety goods (work, services), as well as correspondences to consumer characteristic goods (work, services) declared seller (the manufacturer, performer) to information on them; Þ check observance of the rights of the consumers and rules trade, home and other type of the servicing the consumers, form the acts about revealled breaches of the rights of the consumers and direct the specified acts for consideration in accredited organs state authorities, as well as inform the organs of the local home rule on revealled breaches, participate on request of the consumers in undertaking the expert operations on fact of the breach of the rights of the consumers; Þ spread information on rights of the consumers and about necessary action on protection of these rights, about result of the comparative studies quality goods (work, services), as well as other information, which will promote the realization of the rights and legal interest of the consumers. Published by public associations of the consumers (their assotiation, alliance) results comparative studies quality goods (work, services) are not an advertisment; Þ put into federal organs executive authorities, organizations of the offer about taking the measures on increasing quality goods (work, services), on halt production and realization goods (the work execution, rendering the services), on review with home market goods (work, services), not corresponding to presented to him and installed by legislation to Russian Federation about technical regulation to obligatory requirements; Þ put into organs of the public prosecutor's office and federal organs executive authorities material about attraction to responsiblity of the persons, realizing production and realization goods (work execution, rendering the services), not corresponding to presented to him obligatory requirements, as well as breaking right of the consumers, installed law and other normative legal acts to Russian Federation; Þ apply to organs of the public prosecutor's office with request to bring the protests about confession of the void acts federal organ executive authorities, acts organ executive authorities subject to Russian Federation and acts organ local home rule, discordant law and other adjusting relations in the field of protection of the rights of the consumers to normative legal acts to Russian Federation; Þ apply to courts with statements in protection of the rights of the consumers and legal interest of the separate consumers (the groups of the consumers, vague circle of the consumers).
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